domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012

17/08/2012, Ⓐ International Workers Association / Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (IWA-AIT) Ⓐ

Забастовка уборщиков в мадридском метро длится уже месяц

16 августа пошел 32-й день бессрочной забастовки уборщиков мадридского метро от фирмы "EULEN", организованной CNT. 13 июля на генеральной ассамблее (общем собрании) рабочие приняли решение продолжать борьбу против любимчиков государства и капитала.

The CNT Union in EULEN – Metro informs: a month on strike

Today, August 16, we already are in the 32nd day of the indefinite strike in EULEN-METRO.

The past July 13, it was decided again, by a general assembly of the workers, to continue the struggle against these minions of the State and Capital.

The struggle at hand, is not on this occasion to claim social or economic rights, that are legitimate but we have not won yet; it is to conserve the rights in the concrete workplaces and in Metro cleaning in general, which had been gained through more than 20 yers of hard effort and struggle. It is possible that EULEN colluded with Metro to cut back 45% of the workforce to balance their books, something that should have been done before bidding on the contract because they knew that the expenses would far exceed the cost they gave in the tender. (According to our calculations, they could loss about a million euros per year. )

But what it really is is a full-scale assault on the staff and, therefore, the entire working class. It is a continuation of the classic „let the workers pay for our excesses and abuses”. That is what this is, not mistakes made in an attempt to lift up the country, as they claim to the public. It is one of the eternal lies of those in power and it is sad that the majority of the workin class believed this and because of this, we are in a general state of lethargy. WE ARE MODERN SLAVES and the only way to abolish this slavery is to rebel against the State and its vultures in the form of companies.

[huelga indefinida] La Sección Sindical de CNT en EULEN - Metro, informa: Un mes de Huelga

Se cumplen, hoy jueves, 32 días de huelga indefinida en EULEN-METRO.
El pasado 13 de Julio se decidió de nuevo, y por asamblea general de trabajadores/as, continuar la lucha contra esos esbirros del Estado y el Capital.

La lucha que nos ocupa, no es en esta ocasión por reivindicar derechos sociales o económicos, que sean legítimos pero no hayamos conquistado; es por conservar los derechos conseguidos en el centro de trabajo en concreto y en la limpieza del Metro en general, tras más de 20 años de duro esfuerzo y lucha. Es inviable, que la empresa en connivencia con Metro, pretenda hacer un recorte del 45% a los/as trabajadores/as para cuadrar sus cuentas, cuentas que tenían que haber cuadrado antes de pujar por el contrato, ya que ellos conocían que los gastos superaban con mucho la puja que ellos ofertaron (según nuestros cálculos pueden perder cerca del millón de euros por año).

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