martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

22(05/2012, Ⓐ International Workers Association / Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (IWA-AIT) Ⓐ


     JUEVES 24 DE MAYO 18h- Plaza de la Villa- Cibeles
Contra los recortes y la represión
Ya está bien de que paguemos siempre la ineptitud de los de arriba. Ellos la cagan y los de abajo sufrimos las consecuencias. Nos bajaron el sueldo, nos aumentan la jornada, nos quitan la acción social, nos subieron la edad de jubilación, suprimen las consolidaciones, continúan privatizando todo, los políticos y banqueros siguen viviendo como dioses…

19th of May – Anti-Workfare Pickets in Reading and Oxford

On the 19th of May Thames Valley SolFed coordinated a day of action against Holland & Barrett as part of the national SF anti-workfare campaign. Pickets were held in both Reading & Oxford.

Comunique on the Public Education Strike on May 22


On the eve of the national public education strike called by various unions for May 22, we would like to state the following.

- There are enough reasons not to end our struggle. The brutal attacks lead by the privatizing and classist vanguard that embodies the Government of Madrid will be deepened and perfected even more by the State provoking the reduction of educational and developmental opportunitiesfor the children of the working class to the minimal level. In addition, there are the mass dismissals of educational workers which impedes the possibility that those who keep their jobs work in decent conditions. The current generation will be doomed to ignorance, failure, poverty and the precarization of their lives and more manipulation by those with power.

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